
Personal Profile

Abdullah Eldurini, Architect and UX Designer, holds an experience of visual representation for multiple design projects and UX systems, simply, my job is to make things look good and function smoothly.

Bachelor in Architecture

University of Petra

Oct 2013 - Feb 2018

Jordan Engineers Association

Certified Member

Mar 2018

Revit Architecture ACP

Autodesk Certified Professional

Jun 2018

UX/UI Designer

Chain Reaction Agency

Apr 2023 - Recent

Working on multiple systems, website and application designs, including sketching, designing the user journey and creating user flow diagrams, setting up information architecutre diagrams and creating fully-working prototype for projects.

Working as a UX designer requires coordinating and collaborating with all other team members, including developers, SEO specialists, content creators and creative designers.

Teaching and Research Assistant

Al-Hussein Technical University

Sep 2022 - Mar 2023

Participating in design studios and leading technical courses including software and working drawings, besides working on tech-projects by the School of Built Environment and Engineering.

Teaching Assistant

University of Petra

Oct 2019 - Aug 2022

Participating in design studios, working drawings and software courses at the department of Architecture, and participating in planning internal events and annual exhibition.

Junior Architect

Sakher Marwan Dudin

Mar 2019 - Jun 2019

Been working on both conceptual and schematic design phases of each projects, and participating in working drawings and visual representation of projects to clients.

Unreal Peek Platform

CO-Founder, Technology and Creative Director

Jun 2022 - Recent

Unreal Peek is a virtual technology services provider that enhance customer and user experience for business owners using high-tech accessible software technologies.

Wassilni Application

CO-Founder, Design and Marketing Director

Feb 2019 - Recent

Simply, Wassilni is a +15K download road-sharing urban transportation solution (mobile application), which helps hundreds of passenger to ride with other people having a car and passing on their way to home or work on a daily basis.

User Experience Design

Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Premiere Pro

Technology and Programming

Unity 3D
Vuforia - AR Engine
#C Sharp
Microsoft Office


Revit Architecture
Enscape 3D
Selected Work

Slide to Explore!

Let's Talk

Let's Make Some