Project Brief

Department of Architecture Magazine

The department of Architecture at University of Petra has developed extensively in the past few years, and now they are planning to invest more in technology as an educational tool and a way to communicate with students on a daily basis.
The website is a student magazine to share department's news, workshops, achievements, virtual exhibition and many more free services.

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Project Docs.

  • Description

    -The DOA magazine is a student platform that provide many services including department's news, achievements and more.
    -The project is meant to help students sharing their ideas and experience together in order to develop the students community and up-scale their skills, and it's a present from Eldurini Ltd. to University of Petra.

  • Strategies

    -The project has been worked on HTML, CSS & JavaScript, and no admin tool included, but it was built in a very simple and easy way to edit, delete, add and deploy data manually.
    -To reduce cost, all content has been stored on the UOP storage to reduce storage on the database.

  • Client Review

    "After months of hard work, we are pleased to share with you today 4-4-2022 the announcement of the launch of the website for “Edaa” magazine of the Department of Architecture at the University of Petra, the first digital student architecture magazine in Jordan"
    Dr. Amer Al-Jokhadar - Dean of Faculty of Architecture and Design

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