Project Brief

4D SLICE Application

4D SLICE is an immersive technology event planning application, made for people to provide interactive events and touristic activities using advanced Augmented Reality (AR) technology.
This app is one of Unreal Peek brand that creates multiple interactive platforms using AR/VR and MR technologies in fields of tourism and e-commerce.

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Project Docs.

  • Description

    -4D SLICE is an Augmented Reality application that provide multiple AR services, including immersive virtual events and creating virtual spaces using mixed reality.
    -The project business is based on using the AR technology to provide economic yet interactive solutions that mixes reality with virtual elements to boost the user experience.

  • Strategies

    -4D SLICE ful launch is distributed on multiple phases to complete our vision of making AR a part of people's daily use.
    -The current phase is to create interactive stories that enhance some touristic places in Amman. However, we start implementing advertisement spaces for merchants whom welling to represent their products using such great technology.

  • Marketing

    -We are using both Unity3D and Vuforia AR engine to provide great and seamless experience for the app users.
    -Main scripts of this application is C# (cSharp), but all 3D architectural models and figures where made on Autodesk Revit, Adobe Mixamo and 3Ds MAX.

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